Family Law Attorneys Serving Springville, Utah

Family law deals with divorce, child custody, adoption, and other family-related issues, and the methods and strategies used are very different than what goes on in other branches of the law. If you need a family law attorney in Springville, Utah, Jason White & Associates has a phenomenal reputation for getting the best possible outcomes for clients here and throughout the Salt Lake Metropolitan Area. Our family lawyers have won judgments in court and mediations for all types of family law matters and will use that experience to develop a winning strategy for your case no matter the minute circumstances. Ensure your rights are protected and find a path toward the best future for you and your family by contacting the family law lawyers at Jason White & Associates for a consultation today.

What Cases Do Our Family Law Attorneys Handle?

Family law is a unique branch of law outside of criminal or civil matters, though they can occasionally overlap. Family law typically does not try to find fault but determines how contracts between spouses and regarding children should be fulfilled. Responsibilities and rights are usually determined for family members when disputes arise, with judgments based on a number of circumstances, including paternity, assets, number of children, finances, and much more. There are many intricacies involved that make it beneficial to have a family attorney well-versed in how these cases generally play out in Springville, Utah, and what strategies will work best to deliver suitable outcomes.

Our family law lawyers have many years of experience handling all kinds of family-related cases for clients of all backgrounds, and can give you expert counsel in matters such as:

What Information Should Be Gathered for an Initial Consultation With Our Family Law Attorneys?

You can count on feeling confident about your case as soon as you begin the initial consultation with one of our family law attorneys. Our experience and dedication to helping people facing a divorce, child custody hearing, or any matter pertaining to family law will provide invaluable peace of mind that some of the best days for you and your family are ahead.

When you do contact our law offices representing clients in Springville, Utah, you may want to have all your financial records readily available, including bank statements, retirement account information, tax returns, and current salary information to be used to determine how property will be divided during a divorce or how child support will be appropriated.

Utah is a no-fault divorce state, meaning no misconduct has to be proven by either party to be granted a divorce. However, Utah courts may take evidence of fault into consideration when ordering alimony or other spousal support. Evidence of wrongdoing may also become a factor in child custody or child support. Our family lawyers may recommend you abstain from posting anything on social media about your family law case or speaking about it to friends and family while we gather all the information and develop a strategy for court or mediation. Our compassionate family law lawyers will give you the best counsel to get past these difficult times.

Call Today for Your Free Consultation

Family law is a unique branch of the legal system dealing with issues ranging from divorce to adoption. Your family law matter can result in rulings that last for decades and greatly affect you, your children, and partner. Get an experienced group of family lawyers on your side to ensure the best possible outcomes. If you’re facing a family law issue in Springville, Utah, call Jason White & Associates for a free consultation today.

Contact us for a free consultation